Tuesday, February 25, 2014

breast implant event

if IIf you are interested in any type of the breast implant procedure either just enlargment or combination of augmentation and breast lift please come to this seminar for those attendees who are judged to be good candidates for the procedure we will offer significant discounts call to RSVP space is limited!

Monday, February 10, 2014

#Acleara - revolutionary #acne treatment -

these are the results of the Acleara acne treatment. it allows for the improvement in acne skin appearance without antibiotics or in combination with other treatments. Acleara utilizes mechanical clearing of the pores with the deep energy treatment for the acne bacteria. Check out more info in our blog and webpage of the New Horizons Medical spa supervised by Dr Gregory Turowski  http://drturowski.com/acleara%E2%84%A2-acne-therapy-chicago.html

Sunday, February 9, 2014

robotic hair transplant - technology helping surgical skills and artistry

this is hair transplat state of the art - great results and no ugly scars on the back of the head Who would want the strip procedure these days??????

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

There is almost nothing as satisfying for Dr Turowski's patients as breast enhancement with endoscopic approach - perfect procedure!

Endoscopic breast augmentation #breastimplants -- almost instant satisfaction and life changing experience for those not blessed with an adequate breast grow... bigger breasts with no scars now available with silicone natural feel implants  http://drturowski.com/breast-augmentation-before-and-after-pictures